Ambylopia "Lazy Eye"

Amblyopia is poor vision in one eye. This occurs because normal sight did not develop during early childhood. This is also called a “lazy eye”. Usually one eye develops normally, but some other outside factor reduces the other eye's ability to send a normal image to the brain. Usually, only one eye is amblyopic, but it is possible for both eyes to have reduced vision.

Amblyopia is a common occurrence in children, affecting approximately two or three out of every 100 children. The best time to correct and treat amblyopia is during early childhood or infancy. Amblyopia has several causes including a high refractive correction in one eye caused by the eye growing too long or not growing long enough. Also eye muscle alignment issues called strabismus can cause amblyopia as well.

Treatment for ambylopia requires treatment of the condition which has caused the condition. In many cases, eye glasses are needed to correct the child's vision. Some may require patching the better eye and allowing the child to use the amblyopic eye and some may require surgery if the eye muscles are not aligned properly. Early detection and treatment is crucial or your child may have reduced vision in that eye permanently. Make sure to have your child's eyes checked by the time they are three years old. Most children will not complain that they do not see well out of one eye since they may see perfectly out of their other eye.

Additionally, it is important to protect the non-amblyopic eye by wearing eyewear with polycarbonate lenses. These lens are shatter resistant and protect your child from accidental damage to the eyes.